Results of Interview conducted on 17.02.2025 for the post of Registrar | Click here to Login Register Research methodology, Research and Publication ethics| Invitation Swachhata Pakhwadda - 2025| Advertisement No. 03/2024 – Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Registrar at HBNI | IPR Policy - 2023 |


The Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) was established in 2005 under section 3 of the UGC Act. The role of HBNI is to nurture in-depth capabilities in nuclear science and engineering and to serve as a catalyst to accelerate the pace of basic research and facilitate its translation into technology development and applications through academic programs, viz., Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering, Physical, Chemical, Mathematical, Life and Medical & Health Sciences while encouraging inter-disciplinary research. Read more...



Total PhD Awarded during the year 2023-24

Total No. of Phd awarded as on March 2024


Publications(in the year 2023)