| Department Affiliation: Chemical Sciences | |
1 | CHEM00 | PGD (Chemical Sciences) |
2 | CHEM04 | PhD (Chemical Sciences) |
3 | CHEM13 | Integrated MSc (Chemical Science) |
4 | CHEM05 | Int. PhD (Double Degree) - (Chemical Sciences) |
| Department Affiliation: Engineering Sciences | |
5 | ENGG00 | PGD (Engineering Sciences) |
6 | ENGG01 | M Tech |
7 | ENGG03 | MSc (Engineering Sciences) |
8 | ENGG04 | PhD (Engineering Sciences) |
9 | ENGG05 | Int. MSc(Engg)-PhD (Double Degree) - (Engineering) |
10 | ENGG18 | Int. PhD (Single Degree) - (Engineering Sciences) |
| Department Affiliation: Life Sciences | |
11 | LIFE00 | PGD (Life Sciences) |
12 | LIFE04 | PhD (Life Sciences) |
13 | LIFE24 | PhD(Computational Biology) |
14 | LIFE13 | Integrated MSc (Life Sciences) |
15 | LIFE18 | Int. PhD (Single Degree) - (Life Sciences) |
16 | LIFE05 | Int. PhD (Double Degree) - (Life Sciences) |
| Department Affiliation: Physical Sciences | |
17 | PHYS00 | PGD (Physical Sciences) |
18 | PHYS04 | PhD (Physical Sciences) |
19 | PHYS25 | PhD (Earth & Planetary Sciences) |
20 | PHYS05 | Int. MSc-PhD (Double Degree - (Physical Sciences) |
21 | PHYS08 | MSc (Physical Sciences) |
22 | PHYS13 | Integrated MSc (Physical Science) |
23 | PHYS18 | Int. PhD (Single Degree) - (Physical Sciences) |
24 | PHYS26 | MSc (Medical and Radiological Physics ) |
| Department Affiliation: Applied Systems Analysis | |
25 | APSA04 | PhD (Applied Systems Analysis) |
26 | APSA18 | Int. PhD (Single Degree) - (Applied Systems Analysis) |
27 | APSA27 | PhD (Humanities & Social Sciences) |
| Department Affiliation: Mathematical Sciences | |
28 | MATH04 | PhD (Mathematical Sciences) |
29 | MATH28 | PhD (Computer Science) |
30 | MATH29 | PhD (Theoretical Computer Science) |
31 | MATH05 | Int. MSc-PhD (Double Degree)-(Mathematical Sciences) |
32 | MATH13 | Integrated MSc (Mathematical Sciences) |
33 | MATH30 | Int. MSc-PhD (Double Degree)-(Theoretical Computer Science) |
| Department Affiliation: Medical & Health Sciences | |
34 | HLTH04 | PhD (Medical & Health Sciences) |
35 | HLTH09 | MD |
36 | HLTH10A | DM |
37 | HLTH10B | MCh |
38 | HLTH11 | Dip RP |
39 | HLTH15 | MSc (Nursing) |
40 | HLTH17 | MSc (Clinical Research) |
41 | HLTH19 | M.Sc. (Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging technology) |
42 | HLTH20 | M.Sc. in Nuclear Medicine Technology & Hospital Radiopharmacy (NMT & HRP) |
43 | HLTH21 | M.Sc. ( Public Health and Epidemiology) |
44 | HLTH22 | Master of Occupational Therapy(Oncology) |